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response after scripture reading, hymns not familiar with Jesse Saturday, December 11, 2004


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

I am confused about the response used after the scripture reading. For the next to last verse that begins with the Glory Be, should the entire Glory Be prayer be said or only the first part, immediately proceeded with the last verse?

Also, I am not familiar with many of the hymns given for the offices and I cannot read music. Is it all right if I sing them by making-up my own melody? I’d rather do that than to only sing the dozen or so hymns given that I am familiar with.

Thank you for your help and God bless you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jesse:

I believe you are talking about the Reponsory after the Reading. In this instance only the first part of the Glory be is recited, followed by the response given in the text.

As for singing one's own melodies for the hymns, I would not advise it, but am not sure if there is a prohibition for it. The melodies should be sacred melodies which is not likely if making up a melody.

Personally, I stick to the ones I know which is less than a dozen. 

Also, the hymns can be recited instead of sung.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary