Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+
Re: Daughters of St. Paul one-volume Edition
Dear Tannianly:
There are three main areas to track. The Proper of Seasons, the Four-week Psalter, the Proper of Saints.
The Proper of Seasons has special text for Sundays and for the seasons outside of Ordinary Time (Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter). Thus during those seasons, check in the Proper of Seasons for any special text for the hour.
For the Sundays in Ordinary Time found in the Proper of Seasons we need to know the week on the calendar. This week is Week 27 in Ordinary Time. For next Sunday, locate the Sunday for Week 28 in the Proper of Seasons.
We also need to know what week we are in for the Four-Week Psalter. This week is Week III.
In addition, if the day is a feast day of a Saint that is included in the Divine Office, we need to look there to see what special text may apply. Thus always check the Proper of Saints. The Proper of Saints is arranged by date.
Now Where to begin?
Begin with the Four-Week Psalter if it is Ordinary Time. Find the Week we are in, and then the day, and then the hour. Then, check the Proper of Saints to see if there is any special text. If there is then at those spots where the Proper of Saints offers the special text, recite that text instead of the text in the Psalter.
If it is Sunday in Ordinary Time, then check the Proper of Seasons for any special text on Sundays.
On Seasons other than Ordinary Time, begin with the appropriate seasons and day in the Proper of Seasons.
There will be little notes when there is text somewhere else that needs to be recited. For example, I am looking at the Morning Prayer for Wednesday within the Octave of Easter.
The little note on the page (pg 368) under Morning Prayer says "Hymn, antiphons, psalms and canticle, as on Easter Sunday, p 349."
This tells me that I need to go to pg 349 to find that text before coming back to pg 368 for the Reading, Canticle of Zachariah, Intercessions, and closing Prayer.
I know this is confusing, but this is the best I can do in this format. Once I have the tutor for the Divine Office finished, it will be better explained.
There is a guide for the Daughters of St. Paul edition that helps to track the starting points for the Offices, but there is no daily Guide for this edition. I am thinking about the possibility of creating one, but we will have to see -- that would be rather labor intensive.
God Bless, Bro. Ignatius Mary