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LOTH for the children sandy Monday, August 30, 2004


Dear Brother Ignatius,

I am asking this question for a friend who has a daughter ( Kate ) that likes to pray with her mother the LOTH. The young child would like to know if there is or not a LOTH or something similar for young children for them to pray on there own or with others. She would like to have one for herself on her book shelf to pray to Jesus.

Do you have any prayer books that you can recommand in this line for children?

Thank you very much.

Sandy and Kate

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Sandy and Kate:

I know of no children's version of the Liturgy of the Hours. There are, however, many prayer books for children.

Since I am not around children anymore I do not know any titles, but any Catholic Bookstore should have a selection, or look at the catalogs of places like Ignatius Press, or a religious goods store.

A child could participate in his parents' Divine Office by, for example, learning something simply that they are say, such as the Glory be.... The kids can then join in with the Glory be... at the end of each psalm. Just a quick idea.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

P.S. If you go to Ignatius Press and enter "children" in their search field a list of children's books will come up. There are several prayer books.