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NOTE ABOUT APPROVED EDITIONS: The English Editions listed here are the Roman Rite Editions approved by the Episcopal Conferences of The Antilles, Bangladesh, Burma, Canada, of the Pacific CEPAC (Fiji Islands, Rarotongs, Samoa and Tokelau, Tonga), Ghana, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea the The Solomons, The Philippines, Rodesia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United States of America for use in their dioceses and Confirmed by the Apostolic See.
NOTE ABOUT UNAPPROVED EDITIONS: The website Univeralis offers the Divine Office, but the translation they use is not approved. Thus, Universlis cannot be used to validly pray the Divine Office.
Anyone with information about online purchases of the Divine Office for editions used by countries other than those listed above, please contact us.
This one-volume edition of Christian Prayer contains the complete Morning Prayer (Lauds), only selected Day Prayers (Tierce, Sext, None), the complete Evening Prayer (Vespers) and Night Prayer (Compline), and a few selections the Office of Readings (Vigils). This edition also contains the music for the hymns sung during the hours.
Guide for One Volume Edition
Each volume in this series is liturgically accurate, magnificently printed, and beautifully bound as befits its use for the Prayer of the Church. You will find this set ideal for both your private and your communal daily prayer. This is the complete set of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Each volume in this series is liturgically accurate, magnificently printed, and beautifully bound as befits its use for the Prayer of the Church. You will find this set ideal for both your private and your communal daily prayer. This is the complete set of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Guide for 4-vol Set Edition
This slim booklet contains the Feasts and Memorials that have been added to the Church calendar since 1975.
This book contains the Liturgical Law that governs the rebrics and prayer forums of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Magnificat promises issues that are filled with spiritual insight, exquisite art, and invaluable inspiration. You will discover the most beautiful prayers, readings, and hymns of the Church in this lavishly printed, easy-to-read, pocket-sized worship aid. The Magnificat is an excellent volume for beginners to the Divine Office.
The Four-Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer With Selections for the Entire Year.
Revised edition of the LITTLE OFFICE with reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Council approved by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship and the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy. This unique book, compiled and edited by Rev. John A. Rotelle, O.S.A., contains a wealth of Marian themes and texts in a format patterned after the LITURGY OF THE HOURS. It will be eagerly received by all who wish to honor the Mother of God in a way that harmonizes with the Liturgy.
This book is a slim, inexpensive paperback of Night Prayer, which is said just before going to bed. Night Prayer includes a psalm or psalms, another short scripture reading, an examination of conscience, and various prayers and verses that are used every night. Night Prayer is the shortest and simplest of the daily offices of the Liturgy of the Hours. It can be said in about ten minutes, either alone or with others, and you just flip to the day of the week to know what prayers to say, referring to the appendices to choose a penitential prayer and an antiphon to Mary.
Contains the hymns of the Divine Office for the seasons and solemnities. The great corpus of chant office hymns under one cover.
This is the official Latin Edition of the Divine Office published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
This six-volume Liturgy of the Hours in Latin follows the Editio typica published by the Vatican in 2000; is printed according to a Decretum from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; and has been granted an Imprimatur by Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago.
Fully complies with the editio typica of the Breviary (1961) permitted by the Holy Father’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
This site offers a number of pre-Vatican II editions of the Divine Office in several langages.
Beautiful edition with leatherette sewn cover, rounded edges, black text with red highlights, two ribbons. Includes everything for the 1964 Hours of Sunday Lauds, Prime, Sext, Vespers, and Compline; Prime, Sext, and Compline for all other days. Latin pronunciation guide bookmarker included.