Question Title | Posted By | Question Date |
Refuting several arguments presented to me | Kevin | Wednesday, October 13, 2004 |
Question: Living in South Carolina I find my self a love Catholic in a sea of Protestantism. I frequently carry on debates defing my faith and have yet to find an argument I can not refute untl one of my very intelligent friend presented severalpoints to me. 1. How can I prove that (and please correct em if I am incorrectly citing doctrine) there are no true elect and that the lamb of God takes awat the sins of the world, more simply that God calls all his children to him and it is our duty to accept that call, God's call is not irresistable. |
Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+
Dear Kevin: It would appear that your got yourself involved with hard Calvinists. Hardcore Calvinist are so confused as to make it almost impossible to talk to them. Calvin was a dictatorial person and his "theology" has the same "arrogant" charism. Calvin's theology, like Luther's, was developed not from Biblical study, but from their flawed and dysfunctional psychology and personalities. Of interest may be this Conversion Story of a Calvinist who converted to the Catholic Church. I would also recommend reviewing the articles from the Biblical Evidence for Catholicism site for this subject. God Bless, |