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How was Church? May Saturday, October 9, 2004



From time to time, a couple of my "Christian" (not sure which denomination) neighbors ask me, "How was church?" after they see me returning from Mass. I think they are asking so they can somehow slip in their disdain for our Catholic Church. One of them would say, "I used to be Catholic for years. But, it was doing anything for me. The church that I go to is fun." The other would say, "It was boring, huh?" I would reply with "I go to church to worship God. Church isn't about entertainment for me."

I feel like saying, "I'd go to a concert or a circus for entertainment." But, I just bite my tongue and go about my merry way. Inside, I'm thinking, "These ignoramuses. How dare they?!"

What are some good, straightforward replies I can address their questions that are charitable, kind, and thought-provoking (without sound like I'm trying to convert them like they are attempting to do to me with their questioning)?

Thank you and God bless,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear May:

You already have your answer -- "I go to Church to worship God, not to be entertained."

Another thought: "Therefore it is not boring since how could our Lord be boring? It is a profound spiritual experience to come before the God of the Universe and to take Him into ourselves in the Eucharist. Nothing is more intimate, nothing is more exciting, nothing is more satisfying than that."

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary