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Defending the faith (with a Presbyterian minister) Doug Monday, September 27, 2004


I am meeting (at my spouses request) with a local Presbyterian minister. I am catholic, my wife is Presbyterian. Can you give me some 'talking points' to defend Catholicism and perhaps some potential errors of the PCA (Presbyterian Church of America). Many thanks in advance!!!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Doug:

The best thing you can do is to NOT GO. There is likely very little productive results that will come from such a meeting. If you must go then you should bone up with information you can find from the following websites:

Scripture Catholic:
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism:
Catholic Answers:

Also, if you have the time to buy the booklets, San Juan Seminars has an excellent booklet called, Beginning Apologetics

The key subjects with any Protestant is sola fidei (justification by faith alone) and sola scriptura (the Bible alone as the sole authority).

Both of these man-made doctrines are unbiblical. The websites mentioned above can give you the particulars.

My advice, however, is to NOT debate the man. He will be thoroughly prepared to overwhelm you, most likely, with his ability to defend his faith and back it up with what appears to be solid logic and with the Bible. Unless you are equally prepared a debate with him, especially on his turf, will likely not be productive.

Rather, just let him talk and explain his faith. If he tries to draw you into defending the Catholic Church, just reply, "I am not here to defend the Church, I am here to learn about your faith."

Avoid taking the bait if in the process of explaining his faith he make little catty remarks about the Catholic Church.

Then on the other hand, the guy may be cordial and the whole conversation respectful of you as a Catholic, but be prepared.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary