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How to Answer questions from a Muslim michael Thursday, December 22, 2011


Dear brother

My Islamic friend has asked me questions. Although in my heart I believe I have the answers but perhaps I lack the knowledge to put the answers into words.

1. She asked firstly, Why do Catholics worship statues.

2. In reference to Jesus she asked, Why do we worship a human being.

3. there is only one God and the only being we should pray to. Why do we pray To Jesus, Mary and the saints.

4. She rejects the Holy Trinity. I do not know how to answer her. She knows nothing of the Father, son and Holy Ghost. I accept it as truth but even I have trouble understanding the Holy trinity and certainly could not provide a satisfactory explanation.

Thank you

Question Answered by

Dear Michael:

Merry Christmas.

1. We do not worship statues any more than Muslims worship Mecca. The pictures, just like pictures of family, remind us of God and his children. To pray before a statue or painting helps us focus our prayer. We are not praying to or worshiping the object. Anyone doing that would be committing the grave sin of idolatry.

2. Jesus is not just a human being, he is also God: True Man, True God, the Second Person of the Trinity. Thus, worshiping Jesus is worshiping God.

3. We pray to the Saints because we are family. Family members help each other. God is pleased when His children help each other. Those in heaven are part of the Body of Christ, and since Christ's Body is not paralyzed (one part of the body that cannot communicate with another part of the Body), there can be communication with our heavenly brothers and sisters in the form of prayer (petition).

Prayer can mean worship, but that is not the only definition. Prayer also means to "petition". When we ask someone to pass the potatoes, we have just prayed (asked, petitioned) that person. Prayer that is worship belongs to God alone. Prayer as petition can be performed to any member of God's Kingdom.

4. We know that God is Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, because He has revealed Himself, His nature, to us. For example, in the Great Commission give to us by Christ, we are to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

Notice that Jesus said in the "name" (singular). There is but one God in three persons. This is a mystery that no one can fully understand. Those who are not Christian have little to no chance of understanding.

We take it on faith that God does not lie. Since His Word reveals Himself to be Trinity, we believe it.

Muslims believe that God does not reveal Himself, but only His will. Your friend is not likely to understand this.

I suggest you check out Catholic Answers faith tracts and especially San Juan Catholic Seminars.

San Juan Catholic Seminars has a booklet, "How to Answer Muslims" and other booklets, such as the one about Jehovah Witnesses that include information about the Trinity, which is helpful when talking to Muslims.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary