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Have you heard of Mother God? Jessica Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hi! can I ask you a question, Have you heard of mother God? that is the annoying question I've been confronted with, on more than 3 or 4 different occasions, usually while I'm out shopping. Its a cult from Korea who claim some Korean lady to be mother-God and that Jesus already came. like most cults they base there entire faith on ONE sentence from the bible, in this case from last chapter of revelation.." the spirit and the Bride say come..." they believe the "bride" refers to that woman they call God... they have roots in seventh day adventism since the founder, who claimed to be the second coming of Jesus belonged to this church and of course they are very anti-catholic.. a pair of these missionary workers actually showed me a picture of the pope holding up the blessed sacrament as proof that catholics worship the sun... (It was hard for me not to laugh in their faces) I've tried to talk reason into these people on two different occasions but they will not budge.. I already know who they are by just looking at them.. they are always in pairs and they come up to you asking for a minute of your time or they say "can I ask you a question?" I just say "No" and keep it moving but sometimes I feel that maybe I should talked to them and maybe convince them to get out of this cult but at the same time I think that I shouldn't cause I could be allowing the devil to plant confusion in my mind with their bogus claims.

so two things....

should I take the time and try to talk sense into these people ... I mean isn't my job as a Christian to share the faith... or am I right about keeping confusion from the Devil away from my faith?

and two ....I sometimes think that its a good thing that I'm a bit well educated in my faith if not it would be easy for me to fall into there clever arguments that sound like the truth, as saint Paul says. I feel worried at the same time for those who do fall into these cults just for lack of knowledge .. I was wondering if you could post some info about these people and some apologetics to defend from there twisted doctrine for when they do get confronted by these people, because there are a lot of them out there and they usually hang-out in malls and shopping centers.

Question Answered by Mr. Benjamin Mathew

Dear Jessica,

I think you are referring to the World Mission Society Church of God. The Church's founder was a man named Ahn Sahng-Hong who claimed to be the second coming of Christ; one of his many wives (Zangh Gil-Jah) is now known as "The Heavenly Mother".

There are so many heretical concepts that it's hard to find a starting point.

We can start with Matthew 25: 31-32 concering the man claiming to be Christ returned to Earth.

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats"

I think it is self-evident that the nations have not yet been gathered to witness Christ coming with his angels. I think a more fitting scripture concerning this man would be Matthew 24:5.

"For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many"

Although it may seem quite alarming that any man would claim to be Jesus Christ, we should not be surprised. Jesus himself told us it would unfold this way.

For groups that are so unbiblical, I always find positive apologetics the most effective. By this, I mean showing people why the claims made by the Church are true and allowing them to see for themselves rather than refuting their claims (because there are so many claims being made out there, there's simply not enough time to respond to a new religion that sprouts up every other day).

I think the main error that is being made by this heretical group is their misinterpretation of the bible. Anything that we know now about Jesus of Nazareth is passed down from previous generations. If we go back into Christian history to times even before the bible came to its modern form, we can see many of the Church Fathers speak about the one Catholic Church and teachings that Catholics adhere to. You can pose questions such as: Where did the bible come from? What happens when two people disagree on biblical interpretation? What did the apostles and their successors say about Jesus and the Church? How many Churches did Jesus want to establish in His name?

The answer to all of these questions will lead them back to the Catholic Church if they seek honestly. It's not our job to convince anyone, that is the job of the Holy Spirit. The best way to convert someone is to show them love. This brings them closest to the Truth, namely God himself, who IS love (1 John 4:8).

I'll leave you with a funny, but rather fitting quote from a 2nd Century Church Father St. Iranaeus about misinterpreting scripture in his Adversus Heresies (who wrote before the bible as we know it was put together):

"By transferring passages, and dressing them up anew, and making one thing out of another, they succeed in deluding many through their wicked art in adapting the oracles of the Lord to their opinions. Their manner of acting is just as if one, when a beautiful image of a king has been constructed by some skillful artist out of precious jewels, [they] take this likeness of the man all to pieces, rearrange the gems, and so fit them together as to make them into the form of a dog or of a fox, and even that but poorly executed. Then [they] maintain and declare that this was the beautiful image of the king which the skillful artist constructed, pointing to the jewels which had been admirably fitted together by the first artist to form the image of the king, but have been with bad effect transferred by the latter one to the shape of a dog. Thus exhibiting the jewels, should deceive the ignorant who had no conception what a king's form was like, and persuade them that that miserable likeness of the fox was, in fact, the beautiful image of the king. In like manner do these persons patch together old wives' fables, and then endeavour, by violently drawing away from their proper connection, words, expressions, and parables whenever found, to adapt the oracles of God to their baseless fictions."

Most importantly, remember to keep all of those people in prayer.

God bless;
Mr. Mathew