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Jack Chick Lisa Friday, December 10, 2004


I ran into an ugly website, and some guy was saying Our Blessed Mother was actually a demon goddess named isis. I am angry right now so I hope my question makes since. How could anyone claiming to be Christian insinuate Jesus' mother was or is a demon goddess? Who is this guy?God Bless You and I hope and pray this guy has a conversion

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Lisa:

The Jack Chick publications is arguably the greatest hate-mongering and bigoted group against the Catholic Church that exists on the planet.

I believe that the people at Jack Chick, and all those groups similar, are in bondage to Satan. Satan is the author of lies, hatred, and bigotry.

We should say to such groups, "Get thee behind me Satan!" and walk away from them praying that they someday will be free from the bondage they are under and come to practice the love of Christ of which we are all called.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary