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Sharing your faith. Anthony Sunday, November 14, 2004


I have read some of your Q+A categories and it is amazing to learn that when poeple ask you for advice, in regards to sharing their faith ( Catholics) with non-catholics, you advise them to read this book and that book. Why do you not simply tell them to share your teaching from the Scriptures? Is it because the Scriptures expose the falseness behind the Catholic Church?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Anthony:

Wow, what a question of bigotry.

Dear one, the New Testament is a Catholic document, written by Catholics, vetted by Catholics, compiled by Catholics, and approved by Catholics.

The Catholic Church is the ONLY church on the planet that is truly in 100% concert with the Bible. Protestants are way off from Biblical teaching with all sorts of man-made notions and doctrines.

If you had really read these QA's then you would know that I often refer people to three websites that offer the Scripture and the Church Fathers:

Scripture Catholic: Providing Scriptural Evidence for the Teaching of the Catholic Church

Biblical Evidence for Catholicism Index Page

Catholic Answers

By the way, dear, I was a Baptist preacher and evangelist for 15 years before I saw the light and came home to the True Church that Jesus personally founded. I probably know the Bible better than you do and it was the BIBLE and the BIBLE alone that brought me to the Catholic Church.

We will pray that the binders on your eyes will be lifted and that you will come to the True Church that Jesus personally founded -- the Catholic Church.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary