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Christian friend in Crisis Mike Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I have a friend who belongs to the Church of Christ. He is a devoted Christian and a good man. Recently, the church elders asked him to be a deacon and he accepted. Shortly after that time, he began to have disagreements with the elders on their positions about certain issues. To make a long story short, they asked him to step down, and he left the church that he grew up in and belonged to for over 30 years.

He is now searching for a new church. I have had faith discussions with him over the years, and while I believe I've enlightened him with some things about the Catholic Church he didn't know, he is still rooted firmly in sola scriptura, and other Protestant beliefs. I've never tried earnestly to 'convert' him because he is a good Christian, and I would never want to be the cause of a faith crisis for someone.

However, here he is anyway, searching for a new church. I can't help but think that there might be some way I could nudge him toward the truth of the Catholic faith without alienating him as my best friend. I know it is the Spirit who is the leader on faith journeys such as this, but is there anything I can do to help?

Do you know of any books I could suggest (or buy for him) which might help him (and his family) understand the church better? Perhaps a conversion story from a firmly 'bible based' Christian who discovered the Catholic church? He's not exactly ready to pour through the Catechism, so I'm looking for some inspirational reading. Or do you think I should just keep praying, mind my own business, and let the Spirit lead him where He wills?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Mike:

I would suggest that you select some tapes from Scott Hahn. He was a Protestant minister and anti-Catholic until he converted. He has many, many tapes that include his conversion story and also teaching on various aspects of the faith.

I was a Baptist preacher for 15 years until I heard Scott Hahn. After listening to his tapes and reading other material, I converted to the Catholic Church.

So the Scott Hahn tapes would be an excellent beginning.

Scott's tape serious on Salvation History is a great one for Protestants since it shows how we came to the New Covenant. It lays the groundwork for talking about the Catholic Church, but the information itself is not too threatening to a Protestant.

Then as he was questions, you can find a tape or tape serious that can explain the Catholic view.

Scott does not just show the Catholic view but shows why the Catholic view is the correct view. He is very knowledgable and is an absolutely inspiring speaker.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary